Explore the REAIM 2023 programme
Online talk shows
Online talk shows (livestreamed)

REAIM Plenary Opening Session
During the REAIM 2023 plenary opening session, Minister of Foreign Affairs Wopke Hoekstra and Minister of Defence Kajsa Ollongren will jointly open the Summit.

All day - Serious AI Game & Student Lounge
Students will be given the opportunity to explore all different aspects the REAIM Summit has to offer. They can participate in a serious AI game, specifically developed for REAIM.
All day - REAIM Responsible Innovation Talks Day 1
Multiple international partners will hold talks regarding responsible AI. The talks will be held in the Onyx room in a dynamic, open and inviting setting.
All day - REAIM Responsible Innovation Demonstrations
Multiple international industry partners will hold demonstrations, regarding responsible AI, all across the lobby of our venue.
Academic Forum - various breakouts and keynotes (all day)
Throughout the day, there will be various breakouts and keynotes in the Academic Forum: coordinated by TU Delft Digital Ethics Centre and other organisers.

Realities of Algorithmic Warfare: Use, Impact & Regulation
Advanced militaries are locked in what some call an AI arms race, in which they develop, experiment with and deploy (semi)autonomous technologies across global battlefields.

The Irresponsibility of a Narrow Debate on Military AI
In this session Prof. Dr. V.S. Subrahmanian will briefly introduce some propositions to expand the scope of the debate on responsible military AI.

Swarming and the future of warfare: feasibility, impacts, governance
This interactive panel discussion will survey the impacts of drone swarms, ranging from strategic implications, to technical challenges, governance issues and ethical conundrums.

Value Sensitive design - Designing for Values
In this panel, Jeroen van den Hoven (TU Delft) engages experts from Africa, Australia, Europe and Latin America about Design for Values in the military domain.

War Against the Machine?
In collaboration with research agency Kantar, the Netherlands Atlantic Association holds a public survey under the Dutch public in the lead-up to REAIM.

A practical approach to responsible AI: Stories and Debate
Despite increased attention and availability, debates concerning responsible AI don’t often discuss the problems in the implementation phase.

Decision-Support Systems and Human-Machine Interaction
This session will offer insights on how to design and regulate for effective human-machine interaction (HMI) in the context of military decision-support systems.

Regulating slaughterbots: civilian lessons for the military
AI is transforming our everyday societies - from healthcare to art - and regulators are responding.

AI, A Revolution in Military Affairs?
This keynote panel will address the topic ‘AI, a Revolution in Military Affairs?’

Fact, fiction and fantasy in Human-Machine Teaming
Through a series of short, participatory vignettes, this session will illustrate the complexities of effective HMT and what challenges need to be solved.

Securing Their Swords: Do States have an Obligation to Protect the Cybersecurity of their Autonomous Weapons?
This panel will explore whether States do carry an obligation to take at least reasonable steps to protect the cybersecurity of the weapons they deploy.

Developing and deploying responsible AI in a multi-national military environment
This session will take a technology-driven look responsible use of AI in a multi-national military environment, illustrated with examples from the development and deployment of AI.

The AI Wave in Defence Innovation
This roundtable will present key findings and select research chapters from a forthcoming edited volume, The AI Wave in Defence Innovation.

The Age of AI - Responsible co-creation of military AI
Using the multifunctional game "Age of AI" this interactive breakout will let you voice your take on some of the challenges of AI.

A day in the life of a Military AI
In this interactive story we will go through a real-life military scenario with AI.

Connecting AI and Security: Threats for AI, Measures and Assurance
In our session, we look to start a discussion on “assurance in AI systems”. How can we make AI systems more secure, auditable, and robust to adversarial AI attacks?

A Context-Specific Approach to Meaningful Human Control - online talkshow
In this talk show, we discuss how meaningful human control can be ensured through a context-specific approach, as is argued by experts from TNO Netherlands.

Responsible AI framework for military domain; Development and critical assessment
Prominent experts will be speaking on this panel discussion to examine the current development and future direction of responsible AI governance frameworks.

REAIM Talk: John Thornhill interviews Alex Karp
One on one interview by John Thornhill, Innovation Editor at the Financial Times, with Alex Karp, Chief Executive Officer of Palantir Technologies.

AI to Reduce Harm to Civilians and Ease the Effects of War
We host an interactive debate on whether the benefits of AI outweigh the risks for military operations.

AI, Or Not AI? – Debunking Commonly-Held Assumptions on Military AI
Chatham House is convening an interactive panel discussion about the policy, legal and ethical implications of commonly-held assumptions surrounding military AI.

Workshop: Assessing AI for the Seven Layers of Impact
In this workshop, participants will assess the impacts of a hypothetical AI solution for stabilizing a conflict zone.

Addressing the ethical and technical challenges of AWS
Panelists will discuss how they’re addressing the ethical and technical challenges of AWS, identify what could go right or wrong and how human decision-making impacts the outcome.

Trustworthy Human-Machine Teaming: The Next Stage of Evolution
As national AI strategies and laws are enacted, robust, explainable, and reliable standards for human-machine teaming are needed.

Shared challenges in civil and military AI regulation
This panel will discuss the shared challenges of regulating AI in both the civil and military spheres.

Keynote Ms. Marietje Schaake
Academic Forum Keynote Ms. Marietje Schaake

AI for Cultural Heritage
This talk shows several interactive examples developed at the Rijksmuseum and the University of Amsterdam, including material analysis of iconic Old Master paintings.

Drinks and bites for all participants
Drinks and bites for all participants.
Online talk shows
Online talk shows (livestreamed)

REAIM Plenary Opening day 2
The REAIM scenario continues. A panel of distinguished speakers will dig deeper into dilemmas around responsible AI in the military domain.

All day - Serious AI Game & Student Lounge
Students will be given the opportunity to explore all different aspects the REAIM Summit has to offer. They can participate in a serious AI game, specifically developed for REAIM.
All day - REAIM Responsible Innovation Talks Day 2
Multiple international partners will hold talks regarding responsible AI. The talks will be held in the Onyx room in a dynamic, open and inviting setting.
All day - REAIM Responsible Innovation Demonstrations
Multiple international industry partners will hold demonstrations, regarding responsible AI, all across the lobby of our venue.
Academic Forum - various breakouts and keynotes (all day)
Throughout the day, there will be various breakouts and keynotes in the Academic Forum: coordinated by TU Delft Digital Ethics Centre and other organisers.

Technical Dimensions of REAIM: FCAS as a Use Case
With a focus on the European Future Combat Air System, we demonstrate technical design principles for responsibly using military AI.

Defense at the speed of AI
Join a discussion between Joe Baguley, Chief Technology Officer of VMWare EMEA and Cecilia Bonefeld-Dahl, Director-General of DIGITALEUROPE.

How to regulate irresponsible AI in cyber operations
Determining what responsible AI in the military domain by default also determines what ‘irresponsible AI’ might be.

A treaty on autonomous weapons is necessary and possible
A seasoned expert panel will give concrete suggestions and show building blocks for such a treaty.

Ambitious and Responsible – the UK Approach to AI in Defence
This session will explore how the UK Ministry of Defence’s ‘Ambitious, Safe, Responsible’ approach addresses key ethical challenges.

The impact of Artificial Intelligence in Defence in Space Domain
The objective of this session is to identify the opportunities and challenges of introducing AI enabled assets and defence applications in space.

Pursuing Trustworthy AI Governance in Defence Innovation (closed session)
This workshop will facilitate policy-oriented small-group discussion sessions, in which participants will be able to share their viewpoints.

What AI Must Learn about Lethal Force
Academic Forum Keynote by Prof. Mary Ellen O'Connell

Meaningful Human Control beyond LAWS
Meaningful Human Control beyond LAWS

AI governance: challenges, opportunities and developments in governing this rapidly evolving domain - online talkshow
In this talkshow, we discuss the key developments, opportunities and challenges in regard to governing artificial intelligence.

REAIM Talk: John Thornhill interviews Jeroen van der Vlugt
One on one interview by John Thornhill, Innovation Editor at the Financial Times, with Jeroen van der Vlugt, Chief Information Officer of Netherlands Ministry of Defence.

ELSA labs - applying participatory methods to design complex military technologies
This workshop focusses on Ethical, Legal and Societal Aspects (ELSA) of military AI. We will explore the ELSA lab way of working to address responsible use of AI in defense.

Operationalizing meaningful human control: Experiences of the Dutch Robotics and Autonomous Systems unit
Presentation and discussion on operationalizing meaningful human control in autonomous systems.

From principles to practice – what role can Codes of Conduct play to manage risk?
This panel will share insights from the draft Code of Conduct agreed between US, Chinese, and international experts in 2021.

Implementing Policies to Ensure the Responsible Use of Artificial Intelligence and Autonomy for the U.S. Department of Defense
The United States Department of Defense (DoD) will provide an overview of its RAI strategy and cover the potential for international cooperation on responsible military uses of AI.

Known Unknowns and Military AI
The predictable failures of artificial intelligence (AI) as well as related technology and the unforeseeable impacts of these failures pose new challenges for militaries...

EU’s work on responsible AI Description
In this session the European Commission, DG CNECT, will present the AI Act, the proposed European law on artificial intelligence.

Ethics and Beyond: Challenges and Opportunities for Military AI
This session highlights the diversity of ethical foci and analytical tools, and the challenge of applying those tools when facing deep uncertainty.

Managing Risks to Develop & Field Safer Military AI Systems
Learn why Responsible AI matters, how to mitigate risk, and see what can go wrong in military AI development and use.

Military leadership and AI: a new trustworthy relation
During this panel discussion we will untangle what the required leadership of today and the future looks like and how it will affect working structures within the military domain.

Responsible adoption of AI in the nuclear domain
Responsible adoption of AI in the nuclear domain

Is AI Already a Juggernaut beyond Human Control: From Moral Machines to Global Governance
Academic Forum Keynote by Wendell Wallach

The leading-edge of AI: from research to operational deployment
This panel will tackle some of these questions and offer practical solutions with an aim to showcase and discuss some of the leading-edge scenarios.

Autonomous Weapon Systems and Compliance with International Humanitarian Law
This session aims to provide greater clarity on what IHL permits, prohibits, and requires concerning the development and use of military applications of AI.

The State of Representation and Diversity in Military AI Ethics
This panel will discuss the issues, impacts and solutions regarding diversity and representation for responsible military AI.

How to Operationalize Responsible AI in the Military Domain
This roundtable discussion will examine what kind of responsible AI tools are needed for the military domain, and how they can be effectively and sustainably operationalized.

High Level Closing Ceremony REAIM 2023
Minister of Foreign Affairs Wopke Hoekstra will present the political results of the REAIM Summit, in a high level plenary session, accompanied by high level participants.