High Level Closing Ceremony REAIM 2023
The plenary closing session will present the main take-aways, lessons learnt and the next steps forward of the first ever REAIM Summit. Ministers and high-level representatives of international organisations and industry, including Ms. Izumi Nakamitsu (UN Under-Secretary-General and High Representative for Disarmament Affairs) and Mr. Bruno Fichefeux (Head of the Future Combat Air System, Airbus) will engage and exchange ideas on how the international community should address the topic of responsible AI in the military domain, now and in the future.
What new insights have been gained from the Summit? How can the international community address the topic of responsible military AI in international fora? What will be the concrete output and next steps after REAIM? These and many more questions will be answered during the closing of the two-day summit.
Before closing words by the co-hosting Ministers from the Netherlands and the Republic of Korea, former CEO of Google and co-founder of Schmidt Futures Eric Schmidt will be interviewed (pre-recorded) about his vision on the potential of AI, its main risks and lessons to be learnt from the civil domain.